- Display the WordPress Dashboard and click on “Posts”.
- Click “Add New” at the top of the page
- Write your post. You should select the “Default WP Editor” rather than the advanced “Content Layout Editor.”
- At the bottom of the post, (a) Select a “Sort Order” — this determines the order your post displays on the front page, and (b) check which display option you want — display the entire body of the post, or display the excerpt + a “Read More” link
- To create an excerpt, select “Document” in the post’s control panel, and then copy some or all of your post into the “Exerpt” field — this is what displays on the front page.
Post Options
Posts can be Published or Draft. All published posts will display on the front page, and Draft posts will not.
Generally, if you have a seasonal post, such as the Alligator Auction post, you would toggle it from Published to Draft or Draft to Published.
NOTE: You must be logged in as Admin or Editor to be able to create posts.